June 2, 2013

  • My final posting on Xanga

    I’m really going too miss doing stuff here at Xanga. I have meet many wonderful friends and have enjoyed all of your comments and postings.
    As this will be my final posting I will now reveal to everybody my real name. My name is Timothy R. Carbonneau. For those of you that have looked at my blog will or should have seen that I’m from Whitehall, PA This being one reason why I did not want everybody to know my real name, that reason is because I’m listed in the telephone book, and as there are only two Carbonneau’s listed there I would be very easy to locate. I wanted to be able to give that personal info out only when I felt I could trust the people I chose to be friends with here at Xanga.
    Another reason why I kept myself anonymous is because, when I joined Xanga (Jan 2006) I knew that there are school age children that used Xanga. Our local school allowed them to have blogs and monitored their active. With my age I did not want people to think I was looking for children as a predator. I was falsely accused of that once and that was done by anonymous letters sent to my neighbors, the local school, and myself. The letters I got I turned over to the police. Children and Youth Service got involved because of the letters sent to the school. What a mess it made of my life. After involving the police it took some time to get things straighten out and get my life back. To this day I do not know who sent those letters. and if I ever find out who did, there will be “Hell to Pay” for that action.
    I chose Xanga because of the way it was setup. Being able to do postings as public, protected, and private, I was able to keep some of my private thoughts to myself while sharing stuff with others as protected or public postings. So I am going ask a question of my friends. Is there another blogging site that has these same aspects? Your help in finding one will be greatly appreciated!
    I’m a little upset that Xanga is changing because I paid once for a lifetime membership, and now to keep my blog I will have to pay out more! I can’t afford to do that, so I’ll have to close down my site. I’ll try and keep it going to the end, but I don’t know I will, if I can find another blogging before the end comes. I’ll start use that one and post here the new location. If I can’t find one before I have to close down you can find me on FaceBook. I don’t do much posting there because I really don’t like the way it is setup. I can’t do postings about work there because I had to sign a paper at work giving them access to my blogs that are posted publicly. “Big Brother is watching!”
    Now that I have given out my name I will also give you e-mail addresses that you can reach me at: TravelerInTime00@gmail.com   travelerintime00@aim.com  cfrh2o@att.net  and trcfrh2o@att.net  My snail mail address is: 3149 Birch Circle East, Whitehall, PA 18052-3448 My phone numbers are: 610-264-0900 home 610-462-2115 cell
    I’ve added this info for those friends I have not give it to before or for those friends that have lost it.
    Thank You all for sharing your life with me and I’ll miss you all very much!
    Please try and keep in touch with me and I will do the same with you!

April 16, 2013

  • The Ecstasy of Saint Kateri

    Photo scans are from the National Museum of the American Indian magazine, Spring 2013 issue. If you have a hard time reading them you can check out the web site http://www.americanindianmagazine.org/magazine/spring-2013
    or open them in a new window or tab by right clicking on them,
    or right click on each photo and save them to a file on your computer.

April 11, 2013

  • am I certifiably?

    Ok, after my last posting, who thinks that I’m certifiably crazy? I would not blame you if you did. I may be crazy and live in my own world but they know me there! There is nothing like living with strange voices (not all the time) in your head, Ha Ha!

April 9, 2013

March 28, 2013

  • My wife…

    My wife came home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. The diagnosis for her is COPD  (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The cause being from all the years she smoked. She now needs oxygen treatment, for how long we don’t know yet, but I think it will be for the rest of her life. So now there is no more smoking in the house or around her. Also other strong odors will affect her breathing, so no more perfumed or scented stuff can be used by or around her. Cleaning and laundry supplies are going to be a problem, most of them have strong perfumed scents add. Oh well, I’ll find a solution for that problem. It is just good to have her home and by my side again!

March 26, 2013

  • Sad News…

    My wife is in the hospital. She had an appointment at 10:00 am with our family doctor on Monday. When we got there her oxygen level was very low and the doctor heard fluid in her lungs, or around her heart.. They had her taken right from there, by ambulance, to the hospital emergence center. She was finally put into a room at 3:15 pm, and will be going through testing on Tuesday to find out what is wrong with her. I don’t know anything more than she is very sick at this time, and will hope and pray that she will be well soon.

March 23, 2013

  • Something I found out…..

    Here is something I can thank Obama Care for! I found out that I can’t work no more than 28 hours a week. That is just over 3 days a week by 4 hours! I used to be able to work 4 days a week with out have to worry about having to take the company health insurance. As of this January this has become company policy that part time employees can only work 28 hours a week. If you work more than that you have to be put on the company’s health insurance, no exceptions! So I can no longer work extra nights without causing problems with my heath insurance coverage! I have my own health care insurance, but I would have to take what the companies offers as my primary coverage, which is not as good as what I already have. It also keeps the heath insurance cost down for the company if they don’t have to cover all of their part time employees. The down-side is, that all part time employees that don’t have health insurance, will have to pay the “tax” (fine) for not having health insurance! The only good thing about this, for me, is not having to work all those extra hours anymore. The bad side is the pay checks suck! With paying higher taxes, starting this year, my take-home pay is a whole lot less! The poor are getting poorer, while the rich keep getting richer! Thank you Obama!!!

March 5, 2013

  • I’m Still Alive!

    I know I have not been online for some time. My life has gone crazy. Between work, doctors and finances things haven’t been going well for us. My wife’s health is not real good, so I have been spending more time helping her around the house. So I made a choice on what time I have to do postings, which is not going to be much. This month we have many doctor appointments and at work I’ve been putting in extra hours, again. In fact I have been working extra hours starting with last October. This year I found out that we are going to have three inventory weeks. We just finished one and will have one in June and another one in October. I can’t say much about what is going on at work publicly, what I can say is that I am having some problems there right now. At home I spend most of my time taking care of my wife. My sister and stepdaughter both work day shifts, and I work night shift. So, I try to keep an ear open during the day listening for my wife. Sleeping has become something that I do in catnaps. A few hours here, a few hours there. On my nights off I try sleeping when my wife sleeps. But I only half sleep then! I found out that our car will need some major work done. A head gasket, at a cost of about $1300.00. So I got out my bicycle, and when the weather gets better, I will be using that to go to work. The wife does not like that idea! So any long trips with the car are out of the question, for now. Not sure when I will get the money saved to get the car fixed, with all of our doctor bills and other financial setbacks. House needs a new roof and we can’t get a loan to fix it until we fix the roof, Catch 22! Fixing the house is more important than fixing the car!
    So you see, My Life is becoming a downer, and I don’t want to post about that! We all have our own problems, and you really don’t need me adding mine on to yours. My friends here can’t help and I would never ask that of you! So why should I burden you with them?
    I just did this posting to let you all know that I’m Still Alive!

January 3, 2013

  • Al Jazeera Buys Al Gore’s Current TV for $500M

    There has been a lot of talk about the death of the TV business over the past 10 years.
    And the TV business is indeed beginning to change in ways that will change the status quo for TV companies, especially networks.
    But those changes are happening slowly.
    And in the meantime, it’s business as usual in the TV industry, which means coining money at a rate that is almost unfathomable to anyone who works in the print or digital-media or even radio businesses.
    Case in point?
    A cable TV network that no one watched, Al Gore’s Current TV, just sold for $500 million.
    Okay, it’s an exaggeration to say that no one watched Current, although that’s exactly what the network’s best-known host, Eliot Spitzer, recently told the New York Times’ Brian Stelter, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that Current’s ratings were lousy.
    The ratings were so lousy, in fact, that the network was at risk of getting dropped by Time Warner Cable (TWC).
    Nor was the programming that Current TV produces attractive to its new buyer, the Qatar-owned news organization Al Jazeera. According to Stelter, Al Jazeera plans to “shut Current” and replace it with another news network, Al Jazeera America.
    So, why, exactly, did Al Jazeera pay $500 million for Current TV if no one watches Current and Al Jazeera plans to just shut the whole thing down?
    Because Al Jazeera wanted access to America’s TV viewers–specifically, the cable distribution contracts that enable Current to be watched in tens of millions of American households.
    Even after Time Warner dumped Current instantly because of the sale, Current is available in about ~30 million American households.
    That’s more households than, say, another recent entrant into the U.S. cable news business, BBC, which is available in 25 million houses.
    So Al Jazeera’s purchase of Current, in other words, was similar to buying a crappy airline for its airport landing rights (distribution) rather than its brand or customers or current business.
    Of course, those cable distribution agreements will all come up for renewal at some point.
    And there is already a knee-jerk reaction by some cable systems to carrying a network that is still associated with the airing of the anti-American rants of the mass-murderer Osama Bin Laden in the years after 9/11. So it would not be surprising to see other cable systems drop Al Jazeera over time, even if the company does manage to produce a cable news channel that Americans want to watch (there are already a lot of cable news channels, and Americans don’t care much about international news, which is where Al Jazeera might have an edge).
    Unlike most of America’s other cable networks, Al Jazeera also can’t “bundle” its new network with other networks that Americans want to watch–ESPN, for example–and force the cable systems to take it.
    So, unless it was hallucinating (which, frankly, it may well be), Al Jazeera can’t have been confident that it will successfully preserve, much less expand, this distribution without shelling out a good deal more money in distribution payments.
    Which means that Al Jazeera may have just paid $500 million for, well, nothing.
    And $500 million, it’s worth noting, is a lot more than some once-proud newspaper companies are selling for these days. And it’s a lot more than the most successful digital news organization, Huffington Post, sold for a couple of years ago ($300 million).
    The proprietor of Current TV, meanwhile, former Vice President Al Gore, will reportedly walk away with a tidy $100 million, which is more than the phenomenally successful digital news mogul Arianna Huffington walked away with.
    So, to sum up:
    A cable network that no one watches just sold for $500 million.
    Let’s hope we all die the way the TV industry is dying!

    What is your opinion of this?
    Mine is that this man was not and is not worthy of having run our government, to sell something to a company that undermines the values of this country. He should be denied all his befits and honors that come with being the vice-president! Al Gore is only looking out for number one (himself) and does not care about this country!

December 16, 2012

  • An Indian Prayer Christmas Day

    Great Spirit Grandfather,
    I send these words to you,
    To Father Sun,
    Grandmother Moon,
    To all of my relations,
    To Mother Earth,
    And to the Four Winds
    The Sacred Seasons of Life.

    Today you gave
    The breath of Life
    To an Indian Child,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    Will walk amongst
    His people,
    With his head held high,
    With dignity and pride,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    Will stand before
    His people,
    With honor
    And respect,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    Will be strong
    With wisdom, knowledge
    And understanding,
    That will come from
    The heart, soul and mind,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    Will come before
    A humble Nation of people,
    And like his relations
    The Eagle and the Buffalo
    Will be their strength
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    You gave to us in a sacred way,
    And with his eyes
    He will see all that is good,
    And with his ears,
    He will hear all that is good,
    And the words he will speak
    Will be strong and powerful,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    That you have brought before us,
    Your Native American Indian people,
    Will be like his Ancestor’s
    That have gone before him
    On their journey,
    Will always travel
    Within the Sacred Circle of Life
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child
    Will use
    His Eagle Feathers,
    His Sacred Pipe,
    His Sacred Cedar,
    His Sacred Sage,
    His Sacred Sweetgrass,
    His Drums and Songs
    In his Sacred Sun Dance,
    In his Sacred Sweat Lodge,
    In his Sacred Ceremonies,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    This Indian Child will be strong within,
    His tradition, culture
    And religion,
    An intricate heritage,
    In a most Sacred Way.

    Thank you for each breath of life
    That you have given to our New Born,
    For tomorrow,
    Another Indian Child
    Will be born the “Indian Way.”
    Larry Kibby